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Greenways to School Campaign debuts SchoolPool Marin website

Posted: 2010-02-04

Greenways to School, the new campaign from Marin County Safe Routes to School funded by a grant from the Marin Community Foundation has just launched a new website:

SchoolPool Marin helps students and families walk, bike, carpool and take transit to school by connecting them with other families in their community.  By forming carpool groups or walking school buses, parents can organize safe ways for their children to travel to school while getting exercise and having fun.

The first 500 families to register on the SchoolPool website will recieve a $5 Jamba Juice gift card.  Anyone can join - when registering for SchoolPool Marin, families can select whether or not they are seeking a new pool, so you don't need to be actively looking for a group now in order to participate.

SchoolPool Marin is also part of the Greenways to School Challenge, where students making "green trips" to school by walking, biking, carpooling or taking transit can help their school win prizes of up to $2000.

Register for SchoolPool and the Greenways to School Challenge now at

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