Bicycle Parking County of Marin, Bicycle Parking Reimbursement Program has been completed. This program was funded by a Transportation Fund for Clean Air grant from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District and the Transportation Authority of Marin. This program was responsible for the installation of over 1,400 bicycle parking spaces and these spaces were installed for businesses, schools, public agencies, and non-profit organizations located throughout Marin County. This program has shown that installation of bicycle infrastructure is helping to improve air quality, reduce traffic congestion, and minimize wear and tear on County roads. In Marin thanks to increased bicycle parking cycling has become a healthy transportation choice for businesses, schools, and individuals. The Bay Area Air Quality District has implemented a Bay Area wide bicycle rack voucher project that is available until January 31, 2014. Click here for more information on the Bay Area Air Quality District Bicycle Rack Voucher Project. Contact Reuel Brady, Associate Civil Engineer |